Vitamin B Complex

B Vitamins for Energy

What is the number one supplement I recommend for more energy?  That would be Vitamin B, of course.  “They” say Vitamin B won’t boost your energy if you already have enough in your diet, but I will tell you that I personally experience a huge difference in my energy levels when I supplement and this is one Vitamin group I won’t go without. B…

Why Do People Like Donald J Trump?

Why do people like Donald J Trump? Love him or hate him, there will never be another Donald J. Trump. Trump has been in office for 4 years.  What has he done?  What have PRESIDENT TRUMP and his cabinet accomplished?  Why would somebody vote for him once, let alone twice? How is it possible that half of America supports Trump? …

In the mood for a GOOD MOOD

Ready for a Mood Makeover™?

In the mood for a makeover . . . of your MOOD.  I’m here for you when you are with my Mood Makeover™ Program. You aren’t alone.  We all go through it. It creeps up on you when you least expect it and you don’t even know why. It’s not necessarily unhappiness or lack of gratitude.  Your life can be…

Dont feel happy and dont know why 5 Supplements We All Need for Optimal Health

The 5 Supplements We ALL Need for Optimal Health

Click here to register for this FREE CLASS Do you know the 5 supplements we ALL need for optimal health and happiness?  Do you understand WHY supplementing is so important?  I have recorded a FREE class to teach you this vitally important information. Are You Ready to? 1 – Like what you see in the mirror (i.e. look good naked)…

Take the free Chakra Quiz and check out the Chakra Shake-Up Program

Chakra Shake-Up 101

Are you ready to say “YES” to YOU? Thought so.  That’s why I started to help people learn how to balance, align, and energize their chakras.  Chakra work changes you on a spiritual, energetic level. It’s hard to explain, and fun to experience. I had been struggling to get off of antidepressants for almost a year when I was introduced…

The Supplement banned by the NCAA aka Fish Oil - the fats your body needs but cant produce

Fish Oil: Fats Your Body Needs but Can’t Produce

If I could only convince people to read, say, 3 of my blog posts, this would probably be one of them.  I think fish oil is something people need to know about, but don’t. Did you know that there are some fats your body needs, but can’t produce on its own?  They are called essential because your body needs them for…

MSM for Inflammation and Collagen Production

MSM for Inflammation and Collagen Production

As I lay on the floor looking up at a ceiling fan after a recent workout, I thought about you.  My body felt amazing and I wondered to myself, “How can I help other people feel as good as I feel right now?”  It’s a question I ask myself often.  This time,  it occurred to me that I hadn’t told…

The hidden reason we are sick and fat

Inflammation: The Hidden Reason We’re Sick and Fat

If you’ve been following me for any length of time, you have probably heard me say, “Don’t give up until you feel good”.  What I mean by this is that pain and fatigue and overweight and disease are not your body’s normal state and you need to search for and experiment with answers until these feelings are a thing of…

How We Make Travel Easy and Affordable

How We Make Travel Easy and Affordable

I’ve been traveling a TON over these past few years.  Just last month, I was in San Diego then at the beginning of this month I was in Las Vegas.  A week later I was in Louisville and I’m leaving for New York in a few days.  I have noticed that a lot of people out there feel like travel…

Healthy Money Mantras - Is what you are telling yourself about money attracting money

Healthy Money Mantras

Do you have all the money you want?  If you’re reading this, I’m guessing that the answer is, “no”.  And I’m here to tell you that Healthy Money Mantras (Affirmations) have the potential to change that for you.  How? Have you heard of the “Law of Attraction”? If you don’t like money or think money likes you, you’re going to…