Selection of Fruits

Basic Strategeats Meal Plan

I have created more detailed plans.  My favorite is our signature 28-day dinner game plan that comes complete with shopping lists, meal prep guides and recipes.  We also have the meal plan that accompanies the “Two Weeks to a Two Piece” program.  However, if you are just looking for a simple, choose-your-own guide, we have created this one.

The basic Strategeats meal plan is an effective, flexible, affordable, easy-to-follow, do-anywhere guide to eating for optimum health and weight management.

Strategist Meal PlanHow does this guide work?

Easy.  Choose one option in each category.  Watch your portions and add in plenty of water (minimum 1 oz per day per pound of body weight).  Aim for a 6/7 Day success rate.

Want more meal ideas?  Click here to see some of my favorite “Strategeats-approved” recipes on this site, and here to see my Strategeats board on Pinterest.  Or for your best option, click the button below to check out the 28-Day Strategeats Dinner Game Plan that comes with meal prep guides and shopping lists to ensure your success.

Strategeats 28-Day Dinner Game Plan

For more information on the Lifestyle Mix Smoothie and Collagen Protein Gel, click here.  (Please note that I am a promoter for the company at the site this takes you to).  Click here for more information on creating habits that stick.

We have made it easy to save or share this meal plan if you have found it helpful or know someone who it would help. Click on any of the share buttons on the left or hover over the photo to save to social media.

Marcy Vogler is a lifestyle makeover coach, personal trainer, and mother of three.  Marcy is passionate about helping women make over their lives from the inside out.  To learn more about the courses Marcy offers, check out our parter website at  For daily inspiration, join Marcy’s Facebook Group:  Love Your Day, Love Your Life.

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