Pregnant - the supplement shown to prevent ADHD and Autism

Probiotics and Prebiotics

The human body contains millions of kinds of bacteria.  In fact, over 90% of the cells in our body are not OUR cells.  Most of these bacteria live in our digestive tract and are responsible for our digestion.  They are also responsible for keeping our bodies healthy – – or making us very ill.

In a healthy system, the bacteria stay at a healthy ratio of ‘good’ bacteria vs. ‘bad’ bacteria.  Any problems which affect the balance of these intestinal bacteria will cause all kinds disorders. Probiotics and prebiotics prevent these disorders.

Why do I need Probiotics?


  • 70-80% of our immune system is in the digestive tract.  The importance of the link between diet, gut bacteria, and immunity cannot be overstated.

Disease Prevention

  • Many serious diseases can be prevented by probiotic supplementation.  Probiotics are useful for cancer prevention, for example.
  • They also help reduce blood pressure by regulating hypertension and cholesterol concentrations.
  • A strong immune system reduces not just serious issues, but also reduces the number of colds and flu we deal with.

Intestinal Health

  • Probiotics can prevent diseases of the digestive system such as diarrhea, gastroenteritis, vaginal and urogenital infections, as well as intestinal diseases.
  • If you love milk and dairy products but you are actually lactose-intolerant, then you can consume probiotic supplements to reduce the effects.  (Digestive enzymes are an additional solution to this and other digestive issues.  Click here to read my blog post about digestive enzymes).

Strong Gut Lining

  • When the gut lining is weakened, you becomes prone to leaky gut syndrome.  Leaky Gut Syndrome leads to a whole list of potential problems including Crohn’s disease, MS, Eczema, Arthritis, Migraines, Psoriasis, and even Depression.

Mental Health

Nutrient Absorption

  • Good bacteria also aid digestion and nutrient absorption – another boost to overall health.  If you are taking other supplements, you should be adding probiotics to your regimen to get the most bang for your buck.

What are Probiotics?

The word probiotics comes from the Greek word “for life”.  (Perhaps you can guess the meaning of the word antibiotics, then??)

Simply speaking, probiotics are the good bacteria.  They can be taken in supplement form.  There are many forms of probiotic supplements, such as tablets, capsules, and powders.  Probiotics can also be found in foods like yogurt, kefir, kimchi, sauerkraut, miso, tempeh, and kombucha.  If we consume probiotics in the right dosage, it will bring great health benefits.

What are Prebiotics?

Prebiotics are essentially food to keep the good bacteria thriving.  Prebiotics are non-digestible fibers and food parts that cannot be digested by digestive enzymes.

The main work of prebiotics is to supply the necessary nutrients needed by the good bacteria. Some examples of prebiotics are Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) such as inulin and Galactooligosaccharides (GOS). These substances can be found naturally in foods such as onions, garlic, bananas, leeks, artichokes, asparagus, soy, wheat, legumes, as well as nuts.

Why do I need to supplement probiotics?

The ancient Romans were known to eat sauerkraut for its health benefits.  The ancient Indians enjoyed a before-dinner yogurt drink called a lassi for their health.  In fact, fermented foods have historically been a part of almost very culture.

So, I ask you:  how many fermented foods do you enjoy regularly?  There has definitely been a resurgence in popularity of fermented foods in recent years, but most of us could still benefit from supplementation.

Modern life wreaks havoc on the healthy balance required for health.  Some examples of factors that upset the balance of our gut bacteria:

  • Processed or Bleached Foods
  • High Sugar Consumption
  • Tap water (because it contains chlorine, a bacteria-killing chemical)
  • Antibiotics (even if you aren’t directly consuming antibiotics, you may be getting it through your meat and dairy products).
  • Not enough prebiotics  intake (high-fiber foods that nourish the good bacteria)
  • Some prescription medications (like NSAID pain relievers)
  • Alcohol consumption

Why pregnant moms, nursing moms, and children could benefit from probiotic supplements?

Scientists have actually discovered a link between early probiotic supplementation and both ADHD and autism.  In a study conducted in Finland, the mothers of 159 children were recruited in the 4 weeks before expected delivery.  The mothers were split into two groups.  Half were given probiotics and half were given a placebo.  After delivery, the probiotics or the placebo were given either to the children, or if the mothers were breastfeeding, to their mothers.

The children were evaluated by child psychologists and/or neurologists when they turned 13.  Astonishingly, 17% of the children with the placebo were diagnosed with either ADHD or an autism-spectrum disorder.  Want to guess what percentage of the probiotic group were diagnosed?  0%.

Nursing moms who take probiotics might also have a baby who cries less, according to some studies.

I would strongly recommend, after reading this data, that expectant and nursing mothers supplement with probiotics.  Also, give it to children after they stop breastfeeding.

Where do I get good probiotic supplements?

I used to get most of my probiotic supplementation via greek yogurt.  Through most of my 30’s, I took and benefited from these probiotics: (Clicking on the photo below will take you to my affiliate link):

Another I would feel comfortable recommending:

And you can get good chewable probiotics for your kids, as well:

Full Disclosure:  I switched to a 3-step program about 4 years ago that makes it easy to fill all my nutritional gaps while also filling my probiotic/prebiotic needs.  I am a promoter for the products I now use, so I won’t name them here.  If this is something you would be interested in, click here for product info and ordering options.

NOTE:  The most important strains of beneficial bacteria are Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria so your probiotic should contain these.


Despite all of these benefits, you want to remember to use any supplement with care.

Also, I am not a doctor and it is recommended that you consult with your doctor or pharmacist before adding any supplements to your routine.

How do I make over my diet and lifestyle without getting overwhelmed?

I am currently offering a course that helps people to make over their diet and lifestyle choices ONE HABIT AT A TIME.  We take a moderate approach that will help these habits stick FOR LIFE.

Please click here to learn more about my signature course to help you make over your diet and lifestyle.

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Supplement to treat and prevent depression and anxiety

Supplement linked to the bodys production of serotonin

More about me:  My name is Marcy Vogler.  I am a lifestyle makeover coach, personal trainer, and mother of three.  At 44 years old, I feel healthier and happier now than I have in my entire adult life.  I am committed to helping men and women of all ages to make over their lives from the inside out.  To learn more about the courses I offer, check out our parter website at  For daily inspiration, join my Facebook Group:  Love Your Day, Love Your Life.

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