About five years ago, our garden was overrun by them. I looked online for all of the suggested natural repellents for slugs. Knowing my oldest son, Kilor would need a science fair project the following school year, we decided to turn it into a science project he could manage with a little supervision.

Natural Repellents for Slugs
Kilor and his brother gathered all of the suggested repellents in equal amounts. The kids then created a circle of each repellent on a paver. They found three slugs (not even a challenge), placed them in the repellent circle and started the timer. It was a hot day, so the slugs were eager to “escape” their circle. There were some repellents they crossed without hesitation and others they would rather die than cross. (I’m sorry to say that some slugs were harmed in this experiment).
What Worked
What Didn’t Work
Mixed Results
In Conclusion
In conclusion, the best repellent for the cost was the used coffee grounds. We don’t drink much coffee at our house, but we have had no problem finding friends to contribute to the cause. Used coffee in our soil has alleviated our slug problems. Maybe it will work for yours.
. . . he WON second place at the science fair that year!!!

Kilor Vogler and his Science Fair Project (2012)
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Marcy Vogler is a lifestyle makeover coach, personal trainer, and mother of three. Marcy is passionate about helping women make over their lives from the inside out. To learn more about the courses Marcy offers, check out our parter website at For daily inspiration, join Marcy’s Facebook Group: Love Your Day, Love Your Life.