How to treat bee stings with a weed you can find anywhere - home remedy

How to Treat Bee Stings: Home Remedy

How to Treat Bee Stings: Home Remedy in Your Yard or Garden-

Plantain in the Wild

Does this weed look familiar to you?

It’s called plantain and it grows everywhere.  This photograph was taken next to a local hiking trail.  I found one a few days ago in the corner of my lawn.  Residents will see a lot of them in a drainage area near my house.


Have you heard of using plantain for bee stings?

Plantain is said to pull toxins and irritants from the skin.  There are stories of plantain drawing poison out after snake bites.  I’ve heard of plantain reversing the tell-tale red line of an infection from a dirty fish hook.  Here is one captivating account of its use on bee stings.

How to Treat Bee Stings: Home Remedy eases pain and swelling fast.  This is my story:

Pinky finger swollen and red from bee sting

Pinky finger swollen and red from bee sting

I finally had a chance to test plantain myself after getting stung by a bee over the 4th of July weekend.  It hurt as bad as I remember from being stung as a child.  My entire finger was red and swollen before I even got in the house.  It was painful.

Plantain poultice applied to bee sting and secured with a bandage

Plantain Poultice

I ran the sting under cold water, applied ice, looked for a stinger that wasn’t there, and then remembered what I knew about plantain.  I washed plantain I found near the house and desperately chewed the still wet leaf to make a “poultice”.  Secured with a bandage, the poultice worked quickly.  The pain left faster than expected.  Within a few hours there was no evidence of the sting at all.

Plantain leaves and plantain poultice applied to bee sting and secured with a bandage

Unbelievably, I was stung again last weekend, but having just noticed the “weed” in my lawn, I ran straight to it.  The pain left in less than a minute and my finger never even turned red!

How to Treat Bee Stings: Home Remedy that is proven fast and effective.

Plantain.  Look for this weed when you’re outside so you’re prepared if the need arises.

Wondering what other weeds in your garden might be beneficial?  This link lists five healthy backyard weeds.

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Marcy Vogler is a lifestyle makeover coach, personal trainer, and mother of three.  Marcy is passionate abzout helping women make over their lives from the inside out.  If you would like to learn more about the courses Marcy offers, check out our parter website at  For daily inspiration, join Marcy’s Facebook Group:  Love Your Day, Love Your Life.

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