Healthy Money Mantras - Is what you are telling yourself about money attracting money

Healthy Money Mantras

Do you have all the money you want?  If you’re reading this, I’m guessing that the answer is, “no”.  And I’m here to tell you that Healthy Money Mantras (Affirmations) have the potential to change that for you.  How?

Have you heard of the “Law of Attraction”?

If you don’t like money or think money likes you, you’re going to be repelling money rather than attracting it. The same is true if you don’t expect money or don’t think you deserve money. Also, if you think that having money means you can’t have love, you aren’t going to be attracting cash any time soon.

Whatever your current financial situation, it is a reflection of your thoughts surrounding money. Don’t like what you see when you look at your bank account?  Guess what?!?  You can change it by changing your beliefs about money.

For better or worse, YOUR mind will create the exact circumstances that align with your financial thoughts. Most of us have thoughts (conscious and not) that actually repel the money we think we desire!

That’s right!  If you have negative feelings about having money or about those that do, you will create a life that resonates with those thoughts.  That is the Law of Attraction at work.  (If this idea is new to you, I strongly recommend you watch a movie called “The Secret” for an overview.

So, is what you are telling yourself about money attracting money or repelling money?

HINT:  Look at your current financial status to find the answer to this question.

Have you read the book, “You are a Badass at Making Money” by Jen Sincero?  (Clicking on the title will take you to my Amazon affiliate link).  A few months ago, we read it in my Facebook Group’s Book Club and it was unbelievable the stuff that came up in our conversations.  It is surprising that we have been so conditioned as individuals and as a society to believe that there is something more righteous about being poor than about being rich.  We are afraid of the “love of money” and have ill feelings toward those that have it, believing them greedy and such.

There are 2 HUGE problems with believing what we’ve been conditioned to believe about money!

Problem #1:  It’s not true.

It is not wrong to love money.  We NEED money.  Life is BETTER with money.  There is nothing wrong with loving money.  As Jen said in the book, why do we feel comfortable saying, “I love pizza”, but not “I love money”.  How many things do you claim to love in your life?  And why can’t money be among them?

People who have money didn’t get it by being greedy.  There ARE rich people who are greedy, yes.  But there are also poor people who are greedy.  And, in fact, the money mindset that brings wealth usually involves FLOW and GIVING BACK.  So, this couldn’t be further from the truth.

I am simplifying a huge concept here.  If this concept challenges you like it did the people in my book club, take some time to think about your beliefs around money and ask yourself:  “Is this ABSOLUTELY TRUE”?  (You might need help with this, and if so, I can e-mail you journal prompts.  Click here to get those).

Problem #2:  Our subconscious beliefs are running the show.

80% of our life’s choices are made by our subconscious mind.  This is the #1 reason why New Year’s “Resolutions” and diets and making any change is so dang hard.  If you don’t work on changing some of the beliefs and ideals that you developed long before you were old enough to make informed choices about them, you will still be operating from that place.

Are you wondering what your subconscious beliefs about money are?

Again, look at your bank account and you’ll have a pretty good indication.  In fact, in any area of your life, your current circumstance is probably a reflection of your subconscious ideals.

I recently read a book called “The Answer:  Grow Any Business, Achieve Financial Freedom, and Live an Extraordinary Life” by John Assaraf.  This book explains the science behind using positive affirmations and mantras to override our subconscious beliefs.  There is a chapter in this book which compares your subconscious beliefs to the automatic pilot on a boat.  Unless you set a new course, the automatic pilot is going to put you on your old course every time you step away from the wheel  (when you’re tired or distracted or have lost your resolve).  And the book explains scientifically why it takes about 3 weeks of repetition of your new, chosen thoughts to begin developing a new way of thinking, a new way of being.

How can you change your beliefs about money?

Especially the subconscious ones?

With the frequent repetition of positive mantras and powerful affirmations, you CAN regain control of your finances.  And the awesome news is that this change can take place in as little as 3 weeks.

With that in mind, I have created a variety of tools to help you and the other people in my community fall in love with money and the ‘game’ of making it. And when you change the way you think about money, you will become a magnet for it!  I sincerely want that for you.

Healthy Money Mantras –

4 Tools for Adding Them To Your Life


If you want to really work on your money mindset, I have a journal with daily prompts that might be JUST what you’re looking for.  You can order the journal by clicking here (or on the photo at left).

To Buy:, $24

Would you be interested in learning how journaling works and how to make it into a habit that can result in lasting transformation?  If so, I have an upcoming Webinar to help.  You can register for that Webinar here.


Incorporating healthy money mantras into your decor and apparel is an excellent way to be sure you get the repetition you need to truly change your subconscious beliefs.  The first item in our collection is a pillow, currently available in 2 colors:

To Buy Color Shown:, $30 (includes shipping in the continental U.S.)

For the Black Pillow with White Print, shown below:, $30 (includes shipping in the continental U.S.)

To Buy JUST the Black Pillow Cover, without the insert: $20 (includes shipping in the continental U.S.)

The link looks the same, but clicking them will take you to different check-out pages based on your color of choice.


To Buy:, $25 (includes shipping in the continental U.S.)


Are you are looking for a smaller investment, but definitely want to get regular reminders of healthy money mantras?  You can subscribe to my Healthy Money Mantras by e-mail.  I will send 30 mantras for you to meditate on over the course of the next few months.  Fully participating in this program can cause dramatic change for pocket change.  To Buy:, $3.  I should mention that the e-mails are included with the purchase of the pillows.

Be watching for more healthy money mantra merchandise coming soon!

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Can This Pillow Make You Rich

Healthy Money Mantras - Is what you are telling yourself about money attracting money pin

Can This Pillow Make You Rich How Can This Pillow Make You Rich

Marcy Vogler is a lifestyle makeover coach, personal trainer, and mother of three.  Marcy is passionate about helping women make over their lives from the inside out.  To learn more about the courses Marcy offers, check out our parter website at  For daily inspiration, join Marcy’s Facebook Group:  Love Your Day, Love Your Life.

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