The Supplement banned by the NCAA aka Fish Oil - the fats your body needs but cant produce

Fish Oil: Fats Your Body Needs but Can’t Produce

If I could only convince people to read, say, 3 of my blog posts, this would probably be one of them.  I think fish oil is something people need to know about, but don’t.

Did you know that there are some fats your body needs, but can’t produce on its own?  They are called essential because your body needs them for optimal function, but they MUST come from your food and/or supplements.

FISH OIL provides these ESSENTIAL omega-3 fatty acids!

The cells in your body have an outside layer that protects them.  This layer is called the lipid layer because it is made up of fats.  Your body can make this outer layer of the cells with any kind of fat you give it, including trans fats and omega-6 fats.  However, your cells will function the best and your metabolism will perform optimally if that outer layer of your cells is made of the essential fats provided by fish oil.

Omega-3s should be one of the supplements in your regimen regardless of your goals because it leads to improved overall health.  It is a safe, affordable, and effective option for treating a number of serious health concerns.


If you haven’t read my previous post titled “the hidden reason we’re sick (and fat)“, you’ll want to read that to really understand why the anti-inflammatory properties of fish oil are so important.

To sum up that post:

INFLAMMATION = Disease and Obesity.

Inflammation in the body is damaging for health and also significantly affects your ability to lose fat and/or to build muscle.  This creates a dangerous cycle because FAT CREATES INFLAMMATION, which leads to more fat, which leads to more inflammation and so on.  Fish oil has the power to stop that cycle.

2 ways Fish oil fights inflammation:

1 – Omega 3s speeds up the detoxification of waste products in your body.

2 – Fish oil decreases hormones that cause inflammation.  Specifically, fish oil decreases the levels of the stress hormone cortisol.  Elevated cortisol levels are known to cause inflammation, make you feel stressed, lead to fat gain, and degrade muscle tissue.


Lower cortisol levels lead to fat loss.  Omega-3 fatty acids specifically target belly fat (the most dangerous body fat).

Another way fish oil leads to fat loss?  Have you heard of insulin sensitivity?  If you have insulin sensitivity, you will have a very hard time losing fat.

Because fish oil gets incorporated into the lipid layer of cells, it allows the receptors to bind more easily with insulin.  This binding helps the muscle to use the glucose from carbs for energy.  When insulin can’t bind to the lipid layer, it stays in the blood, leading to high blood sugar levels and inflammation.  The benefits of lower blood sugar levels and less inflammation lead to fat loss.


Insulin health also enhances muscle-building ability.  With the help of fish oil, insulin works to improve the muscle building process, rather than to degrade it.  A better lipid membrane also assists the process of getting amino acids from protein (like creatine and carnitine) into the muscle.

In studies, participants who took fish oil had increased muscle mass even when they weren’t exercising.

Speaking of exercise . . . not only is fish oil good for the chronic inflammation that leads to disease, but it is also good for the acute inflammation that results when you exercise, meaning less muscle swelling and soreness after a workout.

The muscle-increasing effects of omega-3s are so powerful that the NCAA banned the distribution of fish oil to scholarship athletes because the omega-3s gave the schools that could afford to distribute these types of supplements an unfair advantage!!!!


Fish oil can decrease blood pressure and decrease triglyceride levels.  In a study of people who had previously suffered from a heart attack, the ones who took 1 gram of fish oil each day had an almost 50% reduction in sudden death from heart attack 3.5 years later.


Many people report overnight relief from joint pain with daily fish oil supplementation.


Fish oil also protects against Alzheimer’s and help with treating ADHD.

How to get the right ratio of fats.

For optimal function, you want to have a balance of Omega-6 and Omega-3 oils of around 3:1.

This is difficult because the western diet is VERY high in omega-6 fats.  Omega-6 fats come from vegetable oils.  Vegetable oils cause inflammation when you eat too much of them.  The average western diet provides a ratio of around 16:1 of omega-6 to omega-3 fats.  Reducing the amount of omega-6 fats you consume can decrease how much omega-3 fats you need to reduce inflammation.

There are 3 omega-3s:  EPA, DHA, and ALA.  ALA is the one that comes from flax seed and you need the smallest amount of it.

How to eat for the best ratio of fats:

You can get your Omega-3s by eating wild-caught cold water fish, grass-fed beef, and wild game.  You can also supplement with a high-quality fish oil.

After loads of research on fish oil supplements, I settled on this one.  (Clicking the link will take you directly to amazon via my affiliate link):


To buy:, $28.49



Then I watched the documentary Seaspiracy (recommended) and since then have used this one, which is vegan and I actually like it better:

More so with fish oil than with any other supplement, you need to make sure you are getting a brand that is pure and potent.  You want a minimum of 2-3 grams (and up to 5) of EPA/DHA per day in a form that doesn’t require taking loads of capsules.  (You can take 2-3 grams at a time, but if you are going up to 5, you will want to take half in the morning and half at night).  Discuss optimal dosage with your physician.

You will want to take your fish oil with food.  If you have problems burping fish oil, you can experiment with keeping it in the freezer.

Round your fat intake out with nuts, olive oil, avocado oil, and coconut oil.  Avoid hydrogenated, trans fats, and processed foods.

Remember that the fats you eat, whether saturated, unsaturated, Omega-6 or Omega-3 will make up the composition of your cell membranes.  If you do not regularly eat fish, you need to seriously consider adding a fish oil supplement to your daily regimen.

NOTE:  Foods fortified with omega-3s are probably not the best option because the source is unknown.

I would like to point out that our “Two Weeks to a Two Piece Meal Plan was created to be high in Omega 3 fatty acids.  I strongly recommend you check it out here.


How do I make over my diet and lifestyle without getting overwhelmed?

I am currently offering a course that helps people to make over their diet and lifestyle choices ONE HABIT AT A TIME.  We take a moderate approach that will help these habits stick FOR LIFE.

Please click here to learn more about my signature course to help you make over your diet and lifestyle.

To read this article in video format, go to:

Related Articles

Inflammation: The Hidden Reason We’re Sick and Fat

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Marcy Vogler is a lifestyle makeover coach, personal trainer, and mother of three.  Marcy is passionate about helping women make over their lives from the inside out.  To learn more about the courses Marcy offers, check out our parter website at  For daily inspiration, join Marcy’s Facebook Group:  Love Your Day, Love Your Life.

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