Eleven books that changed my life and will change yours

Eleven Books that Changed My Life

As a lifesyle makeover coach, I help people to make over their lives from the inside out.  Applying the tools used in these eleven books has helped me to make over my own life, therefore I believe they can help you make over yours, as well.

You don’t necessarily need to read any of THESE books to change your life, though.  This is a list of the books that resonated with me the most.  One of my biggest recommendations for changing your life, for raising your vibe, is to read (or listen to an audiobook) for at least ten minutes per day.  I will include amazon affiliate links for each of these books, but if you can get them from a library or borrow them from a friend, you should absolutely do that.

(TIP:  Take cues from the universe when you choose what to read next . . . what books have shown up in your life/awareness lately?).

Eleven Books That Changed My Life

To Make Over Your Mind:

I am a big believer in the “law of attraction”.  If you’re unfamiliar, I suggest you watch “The Secret” movie for an overview.  Before “The Secret” took the world by storm, these books with a similar premise changed my life:

1.  The Aladdin Factor: How to Ask for and Get What You Want in Every Area of Your Life

by Mark Victor Hansen

My mom sent me this book when I was in my early twenties.  The idea of asking for and expecting to receive what you desire was new to me.

ALSO – Anything by Wayne Dyer:  Some of my favorites are Real Magic and The Power of Intention

Wayne Dyer speaks a lot about creating/manifesting your life with your thoughts.

To Make Over Your Body:

2.  The Fast Track One-Day Detox Diet: Boost Metabolism, Get Rid of Fattening Toxins, Safely Lose Up to 8 Pounds Overnight and Keep Them Off for Good

by Ann Louise Gittleman and C.N.S.

This book came into my life in the strangest way.  I was struggling with my weight, had diagnosed myself with irritable bowel syndrome, was struggling with dry eye, and in a constant fog.  Believing my lifestyle to be healthy, and with my nutrition background, I would normally have been opposed to a book with the word “detox” in it.  I went to the library one day after praying for health with my physical issues.  I am not exaggerating when I tell you this book literally fell off the shelf in front of me as I walked the aisles.  There was no question I was MEANT to read this book.

The title of this book is misleading in that your have to prepare for the “one-day” detox for 7 days and then have a period of 3 days afterward that requires a specific plan, as well.  So, it’s more like an eleven day “diet”.  The results listed in the title are not misleading.  This book taught me that by eating right, I could have a healthy and comfortable stomach.  The diet in this book showed me the results of incorporating kale and flax seed into my diet on a regular basis (No more dry eye!).  This book, this diet changed my health forever.  I have recommended this book to people for YEARS.  In fact, three of the days in my “Two Weeks to a Two Piece Program” are directly inspired by this book.

To Make Over Your Spirit:

3.  A Handbook of Chakra Healing: Spiritual Practice for Health, Harmony and Inner Peace

by Kalashatra Govinda

This book helped me to get off of antidepressants (only quit your prescription meds under a doctor’s supervision).  Healing my chakras healed my entire being.  You’ll be surprised at how much this book can change your life.

To Make Over Your Personality/Habits:

4.  How to Win Friends & Influence People

by Dale Carnegie

This book is about exactly what it says it’s about.  It teaches you the importance of being a good listener, of expressing thanks, of using people’s names.  I think about the things I learned in this book every time I write a letter or meet somebody new.

ALSO:  7 Habits of Highly Effective People

To Make Over Your Home:

5. Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life: How to Use Feng Shui to Get Love, Money, Respect, and Happiness

by Karen Rauch Carter

Feng shui (pronounced “fung shway”) is the art of arranging things in a way that allows the positive flow of energy in your environment.  I think of it as a physical way to practice “the law of attraction”.  This book is the easiest intro to feng shui I have found, and I have read quite a few.  I read each chapter in the space I was reading about and completely made over my home (and my life) using feng shui.

6.  Change Your Home, Change Your Life

by Moll Anderson

Moll’s book is about practical suggestions for upping your lifestyle by improving your home.  She taught me the importance of high thread count sheets and dimmer switches. This book taught me to utilize textures and pillows and candles.  Moll’s book showed me that filling your home with music changes the theme of your life.

7.  Apartment Therapy: The Eight-Step Home Cure

by Maxwell Ryan

I can’t recall how this book came into my life.  What I can’t forget, however, is the 6 months that followed reading this book.  I went home one Sunday afternoon and tore up my gross carpets.  This started a 6-month apartment makeover which included new floors, paint, lights, and fixtures.  Be prepared for major life-changes.  The important takeaway from this book is that if there’s something you want, something that will improve your life, don’t put off it’s attainment.

To Make Over Your Finances:

8.  Rich Dad Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not!

by Robert T. Kiyosaki

I heard about this book from Oprah and it sparked my now decades-long interest in investing.  This book will change your paradigms about money, business, and what constitutes an “investment”.

9.  Think and Grow Rich

by Napoleon Hill

This classic is on every money-mindset must-read list.  It is basically a book on the “law of attraction” for money.  Napoleon Hill’s book has changed more lives than probably any other book on this list.  If you haven’t listened to it or read it, do it now.  Thoughts become things!  Read an excerpt here!

To Make Over Your Business/Mindset:

10.  You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life

by Jen Sincero

Jen is real and will help you get over your excuses for not living your life to the fullest.  She encouraged me to finally make the leap and start my own business.  She’s a mindset queen!

11.  You Are a Badass at Making Money: Master the Mindset of Wealth

by Jen Sincero

I want my kids and all the people in my life to listen to this book and realize that you can master your money mindset and drastically change your business and finances forever.

Make Reading Work for You to Make Over Your Life:

I used to be a big reader, and had slowly gotten out of the habit.  I was on the road a lot and at work a lot.  Purchasing books on CD for road trips and on audible.com for listening during mundane work tasks worked really well for me.  Also, we bought an EchoDot and I can ask “Alexa” to read to me any time (she even saves my spot).
To buy:  $49.99, amazon.com

Find a way to make reading work for you.  Reading and continual learning is vital to your growth as a person.

Thanks for reading about the eleven books that made a difference to my life.  I hope you find one that changes your life, too!

Marcy Vogler is a lifestyle makeover coach, personal trainer, and mother of three.  Marcy is passionate about helping women make over their lives from the inside out.  To learn more about the courses Marcy offers, check out our parter website at www.thegoodlife4u.club.  For daily inspiration, join Marcy’s Facebook Group:  Love Your Day, Love Your Life.

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Eleven Books to Change Your Life

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