DIY Night-Time Facial Cleansing Pads

DIY Night-Time Facial Cleansing Pads

My Secret to Smooth, Blemish-Free Skin is in my Nightly Routine

My mom taught me young the importance of taking care of my skin.  Years ago, I stayed at a hotel that offered complimentary make-up removing wipes.  Impressed by the convenience, I looked for some at the drugstore, but was disappointed by the ingredients found in them. Preparing for a camping trip, the cleansing pads kept coming to mind and these DIY Night-Time Facial Cleansing Pads are the result.  They were so convenient that I recreate this easy recipe every few weeks and have done so for years.

My Recipe for DIY Night-Time Facial Cleansing Pads

The base recipe includes easy-to-find and inexpensive ingredients.  They are:  witch hazel toner, vitamin E oil, and quilted facial pads.  (As always, I will include links to products at the end of the article).

Photo of recycled containers, witch hazel toner, vitamin E, and quilted face pads.

I like to re-use containers. The containers in this photo came with sauces for the kitchen and other cosmetics.

Pour the witch hazel toner into container. Fill to about 2/3 full.

Pour the witch hazel toner into a container slightly bigger around than your quilted facial pads. Fill to about 2/3 full.

Shake the ingredients together vigorously, then quickly add the pads before the ingredients separate.  Press pads into solution, then flip the stack so the wettest pads are on top.

I use these every night and have been happy with the ease, convenience, price, and effectiveness.  I don’t wear much make-up, but these remove what is there, while also cleansing and conditioning my skin.  Follow with your usual oil or moisturizer.  (For help in creating a night-time skin routine that “sticks”, read this post next).

Ingredients listed in this recipe:

(Clicking on the photos below will take you to my affiliate link.)

Witch Hazel Toner

To Buy:  $6.29,

(This witch hazel toner is the one I use, but I buy it locally as it’s available everywhere for a few dollars less than online).


Cotton Rounds

To Buy:  $9.95 (for a ton of the),

Reviews say the rounds purchased online are different than the pads I buy at the drugstore, but this is what the packaging looks like; I usually buy the Swisspers 100% cotton rounds for a few dollars.  If you get the wrong ones, they will fall apart in use.  Make sure they “look” quilted.

E Oil

To Buy:  12.75,



Optional additional ingredients:

All Natural Chelated Silver Foam Germicide/Moisturizer

To Buy:  9.95 plus shipping,


Vitamin C Serum with Hyaluronic Acid

To Buy:  $15.95,



Essential Oils

I almost always add essential oils and a few drops of a carrier oil, too.  Only buy essential oils from reputable sources.  I like doTerra or Young Living Essential Oils.  If you sell quality essential oils, please feel free to include your link or contact information in the comments (maybe we can have you do a guest blog post about your oils in the future).


Adding The Night-time Routine to a Healthy Lifestyle

Of course, glowing skin is about more than how you clean it on the outside.  It is also about taking care of yourself from the inside.  We have a course available to teach you step-by-step how to live a healthier lifestyle.  Click on the image below for more information.

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Marcy Vogler is a lifestyle makeover coach, personal trainer, and mother of three.  Marcy is passionate about helping women make over their lives from the inside out.  To learn more about the courses Marcy offers, check out our parter website at  For daily inspiration, join Marcy’s Facebook Group:  Love Your Day, Love Your Life.


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