Take the free Chakra Quiz and check out the Chakra Shake-Up Program

Chakra Shake-Up 101

Are you ready to say “YES” to YOU?

Thought so.  That’s why I started to help people learn how to balance, align, and energize their chakras.  Chakra work changes you on a spiritual, energetic level. It’s hard to explain, and fun to experience.

I had been struggling to get off of antidepressants for almost a year when I was introduced to the concept of “working on my chakras”.  And something about it WORKED.  It got me out of my “rut”, and helped me to experiment with and prioritize self care in a way that I hadn’t been able to prior.  And at the end of 5 weeks, I was lit up again.  I was turned on, excited, and felt alive again.

I want you to experience this for yourself!  Here’s a little bit of an introduction to chakras and what opening and aligning it can do for you:

Would Chakra Work Help YOU?

I have created a quiz to help you determine the current state of your chakras, and by taking the quiz you will get a sneak peak into what chakra work can do for you.

What are Chakras?

Chakras are energy centers.  They are thought to both absorb the energy around you and produce the energy that others perceive in your presence.  Each ‘energy center’ is associated with a different vibrational frequency, and as such, each is associated with a unique color and sound.  Each chakra is responsible for a different part of your life experience.  There are 7 main chakras along the median line of the body located as seen in this photo:

Let me share a little about what working on each energy center can do for you:

Root Chakra

Developing your root chakra will boost your self confidence, and help you feel present and connected

Sacral Chakra

Energizing your sacral chakra will bring more passion and joy to your life, and help you to set healthy boundaries

Solar Plexus

Aligning the Solar Plexus Chakra will help you to follow your gut instincts and reach your goals

Heart Chakra

You will love yourself and others more fully when you activate the heart chakra.  Also helps the immune system

Throat Chakra

Awakening the throat charka is saying “YES” to your creative potential and improving your communication with others

Third Eye

Developing your third eye chakra will connect you to your intuition and help you manifest your visions

Crown Chakra

Awakening your crown chakra makes meditation easier, opens your mind, and gives you a broader understanding of things

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
– Nikola Tesla

How do you work on your chakras?  All of our chakra exercises are gentle and easy to add to your life.

Doing this ‘work’ will bring you peace and make your life feel richer almost immediately.  There are colors to incorporate into your day, activities to aim for throughout the work, daily affirmations, and gemstones, herbs and spices to utilize.  Want some examples?





You ready to experience strengthened and aligned chakras for yourself?


Thought so! I have created a few options for you to consider:

Pricing Options

There are three different payment options so I can help as many people as possible with this important work. The next Chakra Shake-Up begins again two days before the NEW MOON on July 10th. Lock it in at these prices and I’ll e-mail you when it’s time to begin.



Included In This 5-Week Program:

One module dedicated to each chakra, for a total of 7.  Each module contains a video of approximately 10 minutes in duration.  This video is set to the music and color scheme associated with that chakra.  Includes tips for aligning the given chakra, yoga poses, mantras, and a meditation.  These videos will be yours to keep and re-use again and again as needed.


Includes a printable and FUN “to-do” list for the 5 days we will be spending on each chakra:  including activities like taking a bath, reading, or sitting by a fire.  You will be anxious to complete the tasks on THIS list!




per month for 8 months

Includes the 5-Week Online Program:

One module dedicated to each chakra, for a total of 7.  Each module contains a video of approximately 10 minutes in duration.  This video is set to the music and color scheme associated with that chakra.  Includes tips for aligning the given chakra, yoga poses, mantras, and a meditation.  These videos will be yours to keep and re-use again and again as needed.


Includes laminated, fridge-ready, and FUN “to-do” lists for the 5 days we will be spending on each chakra:  including activities like taking a bath, reading, or sitting by a fire.  You will be anxious to complete the tasks on THIS list, so they will ship out in your Chakra Starter box!


ONE Chakra Starter Box and 7 additional Chakra-Boxes (one for each of the 7 chakras).  These typically ship out on the 15th of the month. Chakra Boxes ship out monthly and contain a surprise combination of chakra tools like stones, herbs, essential oils, and attire chosen specifically for one of the chakras.  This is going to be FUN!

Unfortunately, this offer is not available to people outside of the continental United States at this time.




Includes the 5-Week Online Program:

One module dedicated to each chakra, for a total of 7.  Each module contains a video of approximately 10 minutes in duration.  This video is set to the music and color scheme associated with that chakra.  Includes tips for aligning the given chakra, yoga poses, mantras, and a meditation.  These videos will be yours to keep and re-use again and again as needed.


Includes laminated, fridge-ready, and FUN “to-do” lists for the 5 days we will be spending on each chakra:  including activities like taking a bath, reading, or sitting by a fire.  You will be anxious to complete the tasks on THIS list, so they will ship out the day after you register!


ONE Chakra-Box containing tools for all of the chakras.  Fun goodies like stones, essential oils, and attire chosen specifically for EACH of the SEVEN chakras.  I can’t wait for you to open this BABY!



Not ready to invest, but curious about the current state of your chakras?  Take this quiz to find out:

Natural Herb for Depression and Anxiety

In conclusion, we would like to thank you for taking the time to read this article. Furthermore, we would like to point out that we have made it easy to save or share this article. Please consider doing so if you have found it helpful or know someone who it would help. You can either click on the share buttons on the left or hover over any photo to save to Pinterest. I like to use the hashtags #thegoodlife4us #chakrastuff #chakrabox #chakrashakeup #rootchakra #selfconfidence #connection #sacralchakra #passion #healthyboundaries #solarplexuschakra #instincts #goals #heartchakra #loveyourself #immunity #throatchakra #communication #creativity #thirdeyechakra #manifest #crownchakra #woke #awakening #meditation #understanding #universe #tesla #chakras #affirmations #gemstones #herbs #freequiz #chakraquiz #chakracoloringpage


FREE Chakra Printables

Take the free Chakra Quiz and check out the Chakra Shake-Up Program pin

Marcy Vogler is a lifestyle makeover coach, personal trainer, and mother of three.  Marcy is passionate about helping women make over their lives from the inside out.  To learn more about the courses Marcy offers, check out our parter website at www.thegoodlife4u.club.  For daily inspiration, join Marcy’s Facebook Group:  Love Your Day, Love Your Life.

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