Browsing Category : 2 – Protect Your Energy

Why Do People Like Donald J Trump?

Why do people like Donald J Trump? Love him or hate him, there will never be another Donald J. Trump. Trump has been in office for 4 years.  What has he done?  What have PRESIDENT TRUMP and his cabinet accomplished?  Why would somebody vote for him once, let alone twice? How is it possible that half of America supports Trump? …

Dont feel happy and dont know why 5 Supplements We All Need for Optimal Health

The 5 Supplements We ALL Need for Optimal Health

Click here to register for this FREE CLASS Do you know the 5 supplements we ALL need for optimal health and happiness?  Do you understand WHY supplementing is so important?  I have recorded a FREE class to teach you this vitally important information. Are You Ready to? 1 – Like what you see in the mirror (i.e. look good naked)…

Take the free Chakra Quiz and check out the Chakra Shake-Up Program

Chakra Shake-Up 101

Are you ready to say “YES” to YOU? Thought so.  That’s why I started to help people learn how to balance, align, and energize their chakras.  Chakra work changes you on a spiritual, energetic level. It’s hard to explain, and fun to experience. I had been struggling to get off of antidepressants for almost a year when I was introduced…

5-HTP for Anxiety

I used to be in a mental/emotional darkness much of the time.  I have been sharing with you some of the strategies that have released me from that hold.  One of the most effective methods of keeping my mood up is using 5-HTP. I first started using 5-HTP unknowingly by wearing a “sticker” from my MLM that was reported to have mood-boosting benefits.…

2 ingredients to purge from your pantry immediately and why it's so hard to do so

Why are high fructose corn syrup and hydrogenated fats in everything

Two of the first ingredients I ask people to purge from their pantries to improve their diets are HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP and HYDROGENATED FATS.  As you look through the foods in your pantry or on the shelves at the store, you might be astounded at how many items contain one or both. Are you asking yourself why these two…

What is causing my itchy rash?

It was many years ago, but I remember it like it was yesterday. I was sitting in the E.R. asking, “What is causing my itchy rash?” At that point, the rash covered my ENTIRE body from the neck down.  As I lay in bed that night, I thought I might go insane from the itching and burning.  My upper chest…

Free Meditation Download

9 Meditation Methods

So what exactly IS meditation?  Meditation often involves an effort to consciously regulate the mind in some way. Are you intimidated by the concept of meditation?  You might find that it’s much easier than you think. You don’t have to join a particular religion, do yoga, or chant to get the benefits of meditation.  This practice has been available to…

Meditation Gives You Access to Your Heart's Desires - Free 10 Minute Guided Meditation Downloads

Meditation Gives You Access to Your Heart’s Desires

“The gift of learning to meditate is the greatest gift you can give yourself in this lifetime.”  – Sogyal Rinpoche The tenet for my blog and my business is:  Feeling good is the key to everything.  The truth is that meditation might be the ultimate KEY to EVERYTHING.  Absolutely every aspect of your life can be improved with even a…

Eleven books that changed my life and will change yours

Eleven Books that Changed My Life

As a lifesyle makeover coach, I help people to make over their lives from the inside out.  Applying the tools used in these eleven books has helped me to make over my own life, therefore I believe they can help you make over yours, as well. You don’t necessarily need to read any of THESE books to change your life,…

90 Day Review of MONAT Naturally Based Hair Care Systems

90 day review of MONAT naturally based hair care systems

Hey, Gorgeous! If you’ve landed here, you probably already know what MONAT is and are considering buying it.  You want to know what other people are experiencing before you make an investment in your hair.  Am I right? If you’re not already familiar with MONAT, allow me to introduce you. What is Monat? MONAT is a line of naturally based…