Browsing Category : 5 – Prevent and Cure

Dont feel happy and dont know why 5 Supplements We All Need for Optimal Health

The 5 Supplements We ALL Need for Optimal Health

Click here to register for this FREE CLASS Do you know the 5 supplements we ALL need for optimal health and happiness?  Do you understand WHY supplementing is so important?  I have recorded a FREE class to teach you this vitally important information. Are You Ready to? 1 – Like what you see in the mirror (i.e. look good naked)…

The Supplement banned by the NCAA aka Fish Oil - the fats your body needs but cant produce

Fish Oil: Fats Your Body Needs but Can’t Produce

If I could only convince people to read, say, 3 of my blog posts, this would probably be one of them.  I think fish oil is something people need to know about, but don’t. Did you know that there are some fats your body needs, but can’t produce on its own?  They are called essential because your body needs them for…

MSM for Inflammation and Collagen Production

MSM for Inflammation and Collagen Production

As I lay on the floor looking up at a ceiling fan after a recent workout, I thought about you.  My body felt amazing and I wondered to myself, “How can I help other people feel as good as I feel right now?”  It’s a question I ask myself often.  This time,  it occurred to me that I hadn’t told…

The hidden reason we are sick and fat

Inflammation: The Hidden Reason We’re Sick and Fat

If you’ve been following me for any length of time, you have probably heard me say, “Don’t give up until you feel good”.  What I mean by this is that pain and fatigue and overweight and disease are not your body’s normal state and you need to search for and experiment with answers until these feelings are a thing of…

5-HTP for Anxiety

I used to be in a mental/emotional darkness much of the time.  I have been sharing with you some of the strategies that have released me from that hold.  One of the most effective methods of keeping my mood up is using 5-HTP. I first started using 5-HTP unknowingly by wearing a “sticker” from my MLM that was reported to have mood-boosting benefits.…

Vitamin D - A promising anticancer supplement

Vitamin D is a promising anticancer supplement

Do you know that 1 out of 3 people are predicted to get cancer in their lifetime?  I don’t want to be the bearer of bad news, so I will also relay the good news:  research indicates that cancer can possibly be prevented and healed.  One promising anticancer supplement being studied extensively is Vitamin D. A friend from college and I were…

Eat Vibrant to Feel Vibrant

Eat Vibrant to Feel Vibrant

Have you heard the term “Eat a Rainbow”?  Do you know what this means and why it’s recommended? EAT A RAINBOW refers to eating a colorful diet – one full of brightly-colored fruits and vegetables.  Eating a rainbow is actually one of the best defenses against chronic diseases like heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.  It is also one of the…

Meditation Gives You Access to Your Heart's Desires - Free 10 Minute Guided Meditation Downloads

Meditation Gives You Access to Your Heart’s Desires

“The gift of learning to meditate is the greatest gift you can give yourself in this lifetime.”  – Sogyal Rinpoche The tenet for my blog and my business is:  Feeling good is the key to everything.  The truth is that meditation might be the ultimate KEY to EVERYTHING.  Absolutely every aspect of your life can be improved with even a…

Back to School - Learn Cold and Flu Natural Prevention

Back To School: Learn Cold and Flu Natural Prevention

Back to School Means Time to Learn: Cold and Flu Natural Prevention As our kids go back to school, we can all “hit the books” and study  Cold and Flu Natural Prevention.  It happens every year.  If you’re on social media, you see the back-to-school photos of kids dressed like GAP models with brand new backpacks.  Soon after, you notice more…

Natural Herb for Depression and Anxiety

What if I told you that adding a small scoop of this slightly nutty powder to your daily routine could lift your mood?  Maca is promising as a natural treatment for those suffering with mild depression.  Limited scientific studies show that maca can help with  anxiety, depression, energy, and sexual dysfunction without undesirable side effects. Before learning that magnesium was…