Better than Chinese Restaurant Wonton Soup Recipe

Better Than Chinese Restaurant Wonton Soup Recipe

Better Than Chinese Restaurant Wonton Soup Recipe

Sliced Green Onion and Carrots for Better than Chinese Restaurant Soup


  • 1 stalk celery
  • 1/2 small bag carrots
  • 6 green onions
  • 1 T ginger (chop small)
  • 1 T garlic

Cook in olive oil in a large pot until aromatic and ADD:

Sliced Napa Cabbage for Better than Chinese Restaurant Soup

  • 1/2 Head Napa Cabbage, sliced
  • 1 box Chicken Broth
  • 2 dashes Chinese 5-spice

Napa Cabbage cooking in a pot on the stove while chicken broth is added.

Fill Pot to top with water.  Simmer until vegetables are tender and ADD:

  • 3 potstickers/dumplings per person (minimum).

Simmer for 15 minutes and serve.

Serves at least 4 and makes great leftovers.

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Chinese Soup

Marcy Vogler is a lifestyle makeover coach, personal trainer, and mother of three.  Marcy is passionate about helping women make over their lives from the inside out.  To learn more about the courses Marcy offers, check out our parter website at  For daily inspiration, join Marcy’s Facebook Group:  Love Your Day, Love Your Life.

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