Do you ever find yourself wishing there were an easy way to lose 10 pounds or a couple of inches? Do you find yourself sucking in your gut whenever you’re in front of a mirror? Would you feel more comfortable and confident if you were to lose a few pounds (or more)?
I’m a girl who loves peanut butter and cookie dough, so you can trust me when I say I know the easiest way to drop a few pounds. Over the last 20 years, I’ve lost the same 10 pounds a handful of times. I have tried everything reasonable. I mean, I refuse to starve or limit myself to one food type, but otherwise, I’ll give it a shot.
You name it, I’ve probably tried it. I’ve attempted the apple cider vinegar diet, the coconut oil diet, all kinds of herbal tea diets, the cabbage soup diet, any number of protein smoothie diets, etc. My sister and I tried the Special K Diet. I attempted the diet that came with the P90X workouts (I couldn’t afford to keep doing it). I even ordered the Food Lovers Diet from a late night infomercial (that one worked, but I didn’t list it here because it was expensive).
After many failed AND successful attempts, I’ve narrowed it down to SIX EFFECTIVE diets that I go back to over and over plus ONE that I created to combine them all. Each of the diets listed here took 10 pounds off of me in a month or less. I consider them all to be healthy approaches to weight loss. They all made me FEEL good. Use your own discretion and/or consult with a physician before beginning any diet.
(All blue words and pictures will take you to directly to my amazon affiliate link, unless otherwise noted).

1. The Fat Resistance Diet: Unlock the Secret of the Hormone Leptin to: Eliminate Cravings, Supercharge Your Metabolism, Fight Inflammation, Lose Weight & Reprogram Your Body to Stay Thin – by Leo Galland.
This “diet” includes lots of good, wholesome, normal foods and yummy recipes. Probably the biggest take-away from this book is the need to watch your omega 3-6-9 ratios. Unless you’re eating fish 3 times per week, you probably need more 3s and 9s. This diet includes grains, legumes, low-fat dairy like yogurt and cheese, and 9-10 servings of fruits and veggies every day. This plan also emphasizes the need for Vitamin D3 and zinc. It honestly doesn’t feel like a diet at all, but your stomach will be flatter in no time.

2. The Four-Hour Body: An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman – by Tim Ferris.
Tim Ferris does all kind of experiments on himself in pursuit of “hacks” to the human body and life. The book is long but has lots of suggestions to try and is pretty entertaining.
The book recommends having at least 30 grams of protein at breakfast, 20 grams at lunch, and 20 grams at dinner. He recommends lots of beans. (I was sick of beans by the time I was down 10 pounds. lol.)

3. The Fast Track Detox Diet: Boost metabolism, get rid of fattening toxins, jump-start weight loss and keep the pounds off for good – by Ann Louise Gittleman.
This book changed my life and I’ve actually given several copies away. It literally fell off the library shelf in front of me at one of the low points in my life and was the answer to lots of prayers. My system was out of whack and showed in my energy, my digestion, my skin, my hair . . . I even had dry eye. All of those problems went away after the 13 days of following this plan.
This diet will give you way more fiber than you are probably used to. You will be consuming lots of kale, broccoli, asparagus, celery, whey powder, garlic, onions, eggs, citrus fruits, olive oil and flax (the secret to curing my dry eye, btw). She also makes sure you get your probiotics in. I recommend this detox as a jump-off point to any diet or a reset whenever you need one.

4. The Good Mood Diet: Feel Great While You Lose Weight – by Susan M Kleiner.
This book delivers a good mood along with weight loss. You will feel amazing as you eat eggs, nuts, tons of fish, carrots, dark green leafy veggies, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, onions, garlic, citrus, and berries. You will also be supplementing with fish oil in this diet. Susan’s plan even allows you to create a wonderful version of hot chocolate every evening (a routine which I never managed to make routine).
5. The 8 Hour Ab Diet: This link will take you to YouTube. I was introduced to the 8 hour ab diet when Chalene Johnson interviewed Melissa McAllister about it on the Chalene Show.
I became a fan of Chalene’s after ordering “Turbo Jam” from an infomercial. (Turbo Jam is a Beachbody workout I still enjoy off and on. It came with another diet plan which I also tried).
The 8 hour ab diet is based on intermittent fasting. And by intermittent, I mean fasting for 16 hours and eating all of your calories during the remaining 8. It works, but I struggle to make it happen with my real life most of the time. I didn’t miss breakfast like I thought I would. My energy was good. It would definitely be easier to manage eating in an 8-houir window if I didn’t have a 9-5 or a family. I was only committed enough to do this for a few weeks. I can successfully fast for 12 hours when needed, though and even that seems to have a real effect on the waistline.
6. I saved the best two for last!!!! The fastest way to lose 10 pounds fast is something we call Two Weeks to a Two Piece
Don’t let the name fool you into thinking this isn’t for you.
I’m so proud of the meal plan that comes with the Two Weeks to a Two Piece plan because it incorporates [are you ready for this?]:
ALL of the above plans in ONE !!!!!
That’s right. 3 days based on the Good Mood Diet, 3 Days based on the Fat Resistance Diet, 3 days based on the 4-hour body diet, 3 days based on the Fat Flush Diet. I also keep carbs at less than 100 grams on most days, incorporate fish oil, and recommend eating in an 8 hour window on the days in between these plans. It sounds complicated, but the way I’ve laid it out makes it super easy. In fact, there are just 4 pages that are ready to be posted on your fridge (at least that’s where we keep ours).
Click Here to Learn More About This Amazing Program
7. If you are looking for something to ease you in a little slower – and possibly more permanently than the 2 week program, check out our 14 week program, the Lifestyle Makeover 101™ program.
That’s it, folks. SEVEN healthy diets that WORK and DON’T totally suck.
They’re ALL easy and work super quick!
Marcy Vogler is a lifestyle makeover coach, personal trainer, and mother of three. Marcy is passionate about helping women make over their lives from the inside out. To learn more about the courses Marcy offers, check out our parter website at For daily inspiration, join Marcy’s Facebook Group: Love Your Day, Love Your Life.
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