21 Best habits to start for health, weight loss, and mental health

The 21 Best Habits to Start for Health, Weight Loss, and Mental Health

The 21 best habits to start for health, weight loss, and mental health are as follows:

NOTE:  I am not a physician and this list of 21 best habits is not to be taken as medical advice.  Always consult a physician before starting any exercise program or incorporating any dietary supplements or health modalities into your routine. Additionally, please recognize that attempting to adopt more than three of these habits at one time will inevitably lead to failure.  Because of that, I have created a Lifestyle Makeover 101™ program and an accompanying journal to help you through the process of implementing these 21 best habits over a 14 week timeline.  Please look into that journal and also read this article about how to be successful in achieving your new habit goals.  These are the goals that will be most beneficial to you as you begin your health, weight loss, or mental health journey:

1 – Journaling.

You are 42% more likely to achieve your goals JUST by writing them down regularly.

2 – Drink Water. 

Staying hydrated helps maximize your energy levels, brain function, and physical performance.  (The journal linked here includes a worksheet to calculate your individual water needs.  Hint:  it’s probably NOT 8 glasses OR one gallon per day).

3 – HIIT. 

High Intensity Interval Training.  Read this article to learn why HIIT is the most efficient way to work out.

4 – Limit your eating to an 8 to 12 hour window. 

Intermittent fasting helps with weight management and improves overall health.

5 – Consume probiotics daily. 

Probiotics are useful for disease prevention, intestinal health, strong gut lining, mental health, and nutrient absorption.  The journal linked here has a list of probiotic rich foods to choose from.

6 – Get magnesium every day. 

To learn more about the role of magnesium in maintaining every aspect of your health, click here.

7 – Choose at least one source of Omega 3s daily. 

Omega-3 fats fight inflammation, lead to fat loss and muscle gains, protect your heart, help your joints, improve your memory, and decreases depression and anxiety.  Click here for a list of omega-3 rich foods, or refer to the journal linked here as you work through the 14 week transformation.

8 – Walk for a minimum of 20 minutes each day. 

Walking has a full range of benefits for mind and body.

9 – Eat protein at every meal. 

You need to be sure to get enough, but not too much protein.  Again, there is a worksheet to calculate your individual protein needs in this journal.  If you would like the worksheet for free, e-mail thegoodlife4everyone@gmail.com and I will send that over to you.  Put “Protein worksheet” in the subject line to make sure I see it.

10 – Stretching for 10-20 minutes every day. 

Stretching makes it easier to work out more effectively and even to do your daily activities with more ease.

11 – Eat salad every day. 

Vegetables are loaded with nutrients and fiber which are good for your overall health.  Vinegar or olive oil based dressings are the best choice.

12 – Meditate every day. 

Meditation can help you to manage stress, increase self-awareness, reduce negative emotions, increase imagination, develop patience, and help you to live in the present.

13 – Sleep 8 hours every night. 

Getting enough sleep can help you to think more clearly, give you a better mood, help you to get sick less often, and assist in maintaining a healthy weight.

14 – Strength training for 20-45 minutes per day. 

Strength training will make you stronger, help you burn more calories even at rest, lower your risk of injury, make your bones stronger, improve your mood, and boost your self-esteem.

15 – Consume MSM Sulfur sources daily. 

For a list of sources, refer to this article or the Lifestyle Makeover 101™ journal.

16 – Get sunshine and other sources of Vitamin D every day. 

Vitamin D strengthens the immune system, is a promising anti-cancer agent, boosts your mood, and can aid in weight loss among other health benefits.

16 – Get your lymphatic fluids moving. 

Your lymphatic system is a crucial part of your immune system.  Refer to the journal for a list of ways to do this.

17 – Add high-alkaline foods daily. 

Especially, be sure to consume apple cider vinegar.  This is explained in better detail in the Lifestyle Makeover 101™ program.

18 – Do 30 minutes of grounding activities daily. 

Grounding can boost your immunity, reduce inflammation, increase circulation, reduce fatigue and chronic pain, elevate your mood, reduce blood pressure, and improve the quality of your sleep.

19 – Include fiber at every meal and snack. 

Fiber can help you achieve a healthy weight, normalize bowel movements, and help you to live longer.

20 – Cut out sugar. 

Cutting sugar will give you more energy, reduce inflammation, promote liver hand heart health, and aid in weight loss.

21 – Ice baths and/or infrared sauna every week. 

These are both good methods of reducing inflammation, lessening soreness from workouts, and improving quality of sleep. And there you have it!  The list of the 21 best habits to start for health, weight loss, and mental health.

If you are ready to spend the next 100 days creating these new, healthy habits, then I have just the thing for you!

Click Here to Purchase the Lifestyle Makeover 101 Journal

Part journal.  Part coloring book.  All roadmap to a healthier you. Are you ready for more energy? a better mood? your ideal weight? better digestion? the confidence that comes from changing your body, your mind, and your life? You KNOW you want to be healthy, but you don’t even know where to start . . . or maybe you already have the KNOW-HOW, but are struggling to implement. Lifestyle Makeover 101™ is designed to bridge that gap. Start this journal, and fourteen weeks from now, you will be living the healthy lifestyle you have been promising yourself you would for years.

Click HERE to Purchase the Lifestyle Makeover 101 Journal

Listen, if it was easy, everyone would do it. You know why they don’t?

Not everyone is successful because not everyone understands the compound results of a small habit when it’s repeated daily.  Changing your DAILY habits is the #1 KEY to your successful transformation. The process of the Lifestyle Makeover programs is different than anything else you will find out there because it is based on the POWER of HABITS.

This journal will help YOU to implement the 21 best habits into your days, even if you have been unable to maintain healthy habits in the past!

Together, we will build one habit on top of another, spending an entire week on each new level until YOU have created a new habit and are able to maintain it.  The 21 habits we develop in this program will have HUGE, positive, long-term consequences.  In fact, their implementation has the power to change EVERYTHING for you. Lifestyle Makeover 101™ is designed to make sure you are successful long-term.  More than “HOW TO”, this is about completely changing the things you do DAILY.  So, I ask again, “Are you ready?”  I thought so.  😊  Let’s do this! https://www.instagram.com/reel/CwGIVNGprsq/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==

Click Here to Purchase the Lifestyle Makeover 101 Journal

Why is Feeling Good the Key?

Everything is connected.  Your physical health, your mindset, your emotions, your relationships, your sexuality, your spirituality, your bank account, and YES – who you show up as in your business and in the world, and also how much energy you have to doing good and putting good out there.  It is ALL CONNECTED.  Feeling good is the key to EVERYTHING. Therefore, my signature program is a 14-week plan to help you to make over your lifestyle one decision and one small step at a time.  I truly believe that if people felt better the world would be a better place, and maybe on some level you know that is true, as well. So:

What Does FEELING GOOD Mean to You?  Are you ready to:

1 – Like what you see in the mirror

2 – Be more confident

3 – Have a Healthy Gut

4 – Experience Improved Fitness

5 – Be in a Better Mood

6 – Sleep Soundly

7 – Feel less aches and pains

8 – Experience More energy

9 – Love Your Skin

10 – Have The Knowledge to take care of this ONE body

11 – Be a role model to your kids and loved ones

Click HERE to Purchase the Lifestyle Makeover 101 Journal

This journal is aimed at helping you to learn how to take the best care of yourself and your energy so that you can go out into the world and do awesome things! My goal is to help you show up in every single moment like you ARE MEANT to be there.  I want you to live the REST OF YOUR LIFE as the fullest expression of you. Whether you are here to read the free information I provide on my blog, have decided to get ongoing support through my newsletters (enter your e-mail in the pop-up), or are ready to take a leap and commit to yourself by starting this 14-week transformation, you are sure to see positive change.   And just like magic, once you make a decision to make a change, your entire future will shift with it.

“Change is Inevitable.  Progress is optional” – Tony Robbins


Read the Blog

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Still unsure about the journal, here is a video I made explaining the course before the journals were available:  https://youtu.be/VinEN6Zemt0

21 best habits to start for health

21 Best habits to start for weight loss

21 best habits to start for mental health

The best way to start losing weight 21 best habits to start for mental health 21 best habits to start for health 21 Best habits to start for weight loss

14 Weeks 21 Habits 1 Journal to make it happen. Lifestyle Makeover 101  

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