Tag Archives : meditation

Take the free Chakra Quiz and check out the Chakra Shake-Up Program

Chakra Shake-Up 101

Are you ready to say “YES” to YOU? Thought so.  That’s why I started to help people learn how to balance, align, and energize their chakras.  Chakra work changes you on a spiritual, energetic level. It’s hard to explain, and fun to experience. I had been struggling to get off of antidepressants for almost a year when I was introduced…

Free Meditation Download

9 Meditation Methods

So what exactly IS meditation?  Meditation often involves an effort to consciously regulate the mind in some way. Are you intimidated by the concept of meditation?  You might find that it’s much easier than you think. You don’t have to join a particular religion, do yoga, or chant to get the benefits of meditation.  This practice has been available to…

Meditation Gives You Access to Your Heart's Desires - Free 10 Minute Guided Meditation Downloads

Meditation Gives You Access to Your Heart’s Desires

“The gift of learning to meditate is the greatest gift you can give yourself in this lifetime.”  – Sogyal Rinpoche The tenet for my blog and my business is:  Feeling good is the key to everything.  The truth is that meditation might be the ultimate KEY to EVERYTHING.  Absolutely every aspect of your life can be improved with even a…